University of Virginia Library

Track Takes Second

By Doug Doughty
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Virginia took second place in
competition with Duke and Wake
Forest, in a triangular meet held
Monday at Wake. The Cavaliers
managed 60 points, trailing
victorious Duke by 21 points, and
outpointing lowly Wake Forest,
which had 37 points.

The Cavaliers were impressive in
the field events, gaining first places
in four contests, including one
mark which proved to be the best
effort in the ACC this spring
campaign. In addition, Virginia
strided to victory in the 440-yard
relay and stunned the filed with a
clean sweep of the quarter-mile

Jim Shannon paced the Cavalier
performers with a 23′6″ leap in the
long jump. Co-captain Shannon's
effort represented the foremost
distance achieved in the league this
season. Other standouts for Virginia
included Fred Gaines, who won the
triple jump with a 44′7″ effort;
Bob Santurri, who captured the
javelin with a toss of 187′2″: and
newcomer Jim McClurg, who
defeated the only other entrant in
the pole vault to triumph with the
height of 12′6″.

Virginia added the quarter-mile
relay to its list of victories but the
top team effort of the day for the
Cavaliers came as John Morris, Dick
Morris and Roger Calvert swept the
440 yard dash. John Morris clocked
a :50.0 time, his brother followed
in 50.4 seconds and Calvert trailed
in :51.4.

Duke, slightly outclassed in the
field events, brought a bevy of fine
runners to the meet, including half
miler Bob Wheeler, of national
caliber, and Larry Forrester, far and
away the premier steeplechaser in
the conference.

The track team's next
competition will be in the UNC
Relays. They will be held in Chapel
Hill on April 24.