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Cavs, Pack Play Sunday

By John Markon
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

After a game this afternoon
at Richmond Virginia's
baseball team, now accustomed
to success and boasting an 11-1
record, returns to Lambeth
field for two Easters Weekend
contests against invaders from
North Carolina.

Pembroke State College,
located surprisingly enough in
Pembroke, N.C., provides the
opposition for a Saturday
morning encounter while, on
Sunday, the Wahoos will open
their schedule of ACC home
games with North Carolina
State's Wolfpack wearing the gray

Pembroke, although appearing
on the surface to be another
Onconta State College, should not
be taken too lightly. In two games
with the Pembrokes last year the
Wahoos were unable to win, losing
3-0 and playing to a 3-3 tie. The
starting time for the game has been
set unusually early at 10 a.m. in
order not to compete with the
afternoon's football game.

In Sunday's important ACC
contest N.C. State will be led by
returning All-ACC selections Mike
Caldwell, a pitcher, and Chris
Cammack, a third baseman. The
Pack had a fine season in 1970,
placing three men on the
All-Conference team and finishing
with an overall mark of 21-10 and
going 13-8 in the ACC.

An advantage for State was their
early March 6 opener, which was
17 days in advance of Virginia's
unveiling. The Wolfpack brass
obviously sees much to be gained in
getting the baseball season over
with quickly, seeing as State will
have its entire schedule out of the
way by April 30. The Sunday game
will begin at the more fan conscious
hour of 2:30 p.m.

Both of Cavalier Coach Jim
West's pitching aces, Steve (4-0,
2.61 ERA) Brindle and Captain Ed
(2-0,0.30 ERA) Kihm are well
rested and either one could get the
State assignment with Brindle
looking at this moment to be the
silliest choice.

Should either starter falter
Coach West can call on a
dependable bullpen headed by
undefeated Mike Judkins and the
equally undefeated Brian Hilburn.

The Cavalier offense, after
double figures games against
Syracuse and Ashland, quieted
down in games against Wake Forest
and Duke but still produced
sufficient runs for victory. Leading
batsman is first year outfielder
Steve Sroba, a .382 hitter, while
catcher Sam Beale paces the team
in RBI with 13.