University of Virginia Library

Swordmen Take Fourth
At ACC Championships

After a dismal season, the
Virginia Fencing Team rebounded
to, clinch fourth spot at the recent
ACC Championship Tournament
held at Chapel Hill (N.C.).

Two Cavaliers gained individual
honors. Captain Steve Hatten
continued his winning ways by
earning the top spot in the foil
competition. In the round robin
action Hatten gained 12 wins
against only two losses.

Also placing for the Cavaliers
was epeeist Dave Seroski, who
garnered fourth place in his
division. Due to the unusual found
robin arrangement, Seroski was
prevented from placing third by
losing to fellow teammate Jack

Other entrants for Virginia were
foilers Nathan Schenker and Will
Burr; epeists Brian Coupe and Jack
Cofer; and Sabremen Greg
Timberlake, Joe Stagmaior, and
Charlie Hurt.

Next action for the fencers will
be the NCAA Finals March 19-21 at
Colorado Springs, Colorado (at the
Air Force Academy). Greg
Timberlake (sabre), Dave Seroski
(epee), and Steve Hatten (foil) will
represent the Cavaliers.

Following spring break, the
fencers will be inaugurating an
instruction clinic. The idea is to
acquaint the University community
with the fundamentals of the three
weapons - epee, sabre, foil - used
in competition.

Lessons will be held
Monday-Wednesday evenings (7-9)
and Thursday afternoon (5-7) in
the wrestling room at Memorial