University of Virginia Library

Skiers Are 4th In Southern Championship

The Ski Team had a rather
hectic schedule last week and
emerged somewhat tarnished,
having been defeated for the
first time in some 20 meets
during. Its three year existence.

Last Wednesday, the
slopemen traveled to Beech
Mountain in Banner Elk N.C.
to participate in the annual
Southern Incollegiate
Championship, which they won last

Willi Falger, Austrian Downhill
Champion; set up the Giant Slalom
for the first day which was
relatively short but the gates were
carefully placed on moguls, to each
other so as to produce the most
challenging course possible.

U.Va. solidly won the Giant
Slalom event, with second yearman
Chris Galvin gliding through to
capture first place with a 1.8
second lead on the rest of the

In sixth and tenth place
respectively were 3rd yearman John
Mowinckel and 1st yearman David
Wright who both supported
Galvin's time to give U.Va a first
place for the day. Brew Mosely,
after a very quick start,
unfortunately fell down, lost a ski,
nd attempted to finish with one ski,
only to find out that he had been
disqualified for not having both,
which commenced a brief
discussion on the fairness of the

The next day was the Downhill,
where Galvin again seemed as if he
was going to win, when after a
blitzing run he fell on the last gate.
The Virginia image was redeemed
however when Brew Mosely slashed
his way into third place. John
Mowinckel into eighth and Dave
Wright into twelfth.

Overall the University of
Virginia fourth out of 22 schools;
in the individual ratings U.Va. only
placed two skiers in ninth and
thirteenth out of seventy-seven


University Ski Team Traveled To Beech Mountain Last Weekend

Schussers Face Nearly Same Competition This Weekend At Sugar