University of Virginia Library

Crew Preps

Anyone having the dubious
fortune of passing by Memorial
Gym at 5:30 in the morning
will be greeted by a curious
sight these days. There,
huddled on the front steps, can
be seen a mass of around 55
stalwart men, shivering in the
cold. This is the University of
Virginia Crew, forced to hold
practice in the early morning
by late classes and darkness in
the afternoon.

Crew has had a long but
successful fight to establish
itself here at the University,
and this year, under the
spirited and inscrutable leadership
of coach Panos Eliades,
the team is hoping to gain national
eminence. There are two eight-man
shells of returning oarsmen from
last year, and three shells of
first-year oarsmen. In addition,
this year the team will also field a
lightweight, or 155lb. crew, as
well as a heavyweight four and
pair-with-coxswain. This is by far
the largest number of oarsmen that
Virginia has ever had. The team is
alive with anticipation, expecting
its best season ever.