University of Virginia Library

First Year Coach Groh
Pleased With Tech Win


First Year Team Returns Home Friday For A Two O'Clock Game With Maryland

Cavayearlings Opened Season With 27-12 Win Over VPI Last Friday In Blacksburg

Paced by an overall team
effort, the Virginia
Cavayearlings whipped the
Virginia Tech Gobblets, 27-12,
Friday at Lane Stadium.

Kent Merritt proved to be
the workhorse of the Virginia
offense as the fleet-footed
freshman rushed for 141 yards
in 21 carries. He also caught
one pass for 11 yards And
sprinted 24 yards around end
for the third Cavayearling score
of the afternoon.

Quarterback Harris Davis
was a thorn to the Tech
defense as he mixed passes
with QB sneaks to engineer
long drives. Davis completed
eight of 21 passes for 147
yards And rushed for an
additional 55 yards in 15
attempts. More passes would
have been completed if Davis's
receivers had been able to
handle some of his sizzling
passes. Defense also seems to
be another of Davis's strong
points, as he intercepted two
Hokie passes And returned
them for 34 yards.

Also having outstanding
afternoons in the
Cavayearling's backfield were
Kelly Millard with 44 yards in
nine carries. Steve Sroba with
40 yards also in nine carries,
And John Rainey with 15 yards
on three carries before he was
injured in the first quarter.

The receiving department
was led by Gerald Mullins who
grabbed three aerials for 72
yards. Tim Sullivan added 30
yards as he snagged two other
Davis passes.

Offensive cohesiveness was
the key to the game, according
to coach Al Groh. The
offensive line did outstanding
blocking as the first year
backfield rolled up 251 yards
on the ground.

"Conditioning helped us
beat the heat at Tech Friday,
but it will take a determined
effort And a well executed
game plan to beat the Baby
Terrapins this weekend,"
stated coach Groh. "Maryland
has a lot of size And potential
And are considered the best
freshman in the conference by
many ACC sports writers."

If the first-year men
continue to develop their
potential, the Cavayearlings
should have a fairly good
season. The instate recruits
have been especially promising
this year.