University of Virginia Library


Virginia's first-year
Cavaliers opened their 1970
campaign on the right foot
Friday with a 27-12 win over
Virginia Tech's freshmen. 6-4,
200-pound quarterback
Harrison Davis, and Kent
Merritt, the former Lane High
star, proved to be the
outstanding offensive

The Cavayearlings built up a
14-0 first half lead on two
touchdowns by Davis; a 21-yard
run, and an 8-yard bootleg
around right end.

Kent Merritt added the
third Virginia score on a
24-yard sprint around right end
late in the third quarter.

The VPI frosh, now down
21-0, got their first score of the
afternoon minutes after they
had blocked a Cavayearling

The Gobblets scored again
on an 81-yard pass play, after
recovering a Virginia fumble on
their own 19 yard

With the score now 21-12,
quarterback Davis added the
game-breaking score on a
12-yard burst off tackle late in
the fourth quarter, his third
touchdown of the day.

Offensively the
Cavayearlings rolled up 284
yards on the ground and 137 in
the air. Merritt ran for 141
yards in 21 carries, fullback
Kelly Millard had 44 yards and
Davis 42.