University of Virginia Library

Rifle Team Captures
ACC Championship

On Saturday, March 21 the
University Rifle Team won the
ACC championship in the Southeastern
Invitational Rifle Tournament
at Fort Lee, Virginia.

There were 12 teams from nine
schools competing in the University-sponsored
tournament, including
Florida University, North
Carolina State, Georgetown, and
George Washington.

The team matches were highlighted
by the close scoring between
the teams. The match was
won by the George Washington
team which fired 1065 out of a
possible 1200. They were followed
by Virginia with 1060 and North
Carolina State with a 1057. George
Washington is not a member of the
ACC, making Virginia the ACC
champions over North Carolina
State, the defending champions.

The Virginia team consisted of
Randy Horton with a 270 out of
300; Capt. Doug Jackson and Bruce
Taylor with 267, and Bob Metzger
with 256.

Two of the Virginia team
members placed in the individual
match also: Doug Jackson, fifth
with 270; and Randy Horton,
eighth with 267.

The ACC title was the climax of
a successful season with a young
team. The Virginia shooters
finished with a 6-3 record.