University of Virginia Library

IM Squash, Basketball

Contrary to popular belief,
squash is not only a vegetable but
also a highly competitive intramural
sport here at the University. After
many weeks of grueling competition,
the following seven men have
survived to compete in the quarter
finals of the Hi-Point competition.
David Turner (St.A.), John Wopat
(Chi Psi), Robert Stenson (PiKa),
Steve Young (Zete), Billy Preston
(Phi Kap), Phil Williams (Phi Delt),
James Steiger (PEP).

Pi Kap  St. Elmo  (49-23) 
Phi Kap  Theta Chi  (51-22) 
Sigma Nu  St.A.  (44-37) 
ATO  Sigma Chi  (56-24) 
Theta Delt  SAM  (37-34) 
Delta Sig  PiKa  (46-44) 
Phi Delt  Phi Psi  (38-33) 
Phi Sig  Zete  (48-47) 
SAE  SPE  (58-30) 
KA  PEP  (55-20) 
ZBT  Kappa Sig  (55-18) 
Sigma Pi  Chi Psi  (44-32)