University of Virginia Library


IM Round-Up

Although the high point softball
teams have played but two games
apiece, the four divisions are
already beginning to assume some
semblance of a predictable standing
as a result of Wednesday
afternoon's fierce competition.

In Division One Theta Chi and
Kappa Sig share the lead, sporting
2-0 records; Theta Chi shut out
SAE 10-0, and Kappa Sig took
almost as decisive a victory from
Sigma Chi with a 9-3 final score.

Phi Sig and Phi Gam also won
on Wednesday against TKE and
Beta respectively. Of the four
games in this division, the Phi
Gam-Beta contest proved the most
impressive as Phi Gam's Alex
Knowles went four for four at the
plate with two doubles.

Division Two saw St. Anthony
trounce SPE, 11-1, and DU edge
KA, 6-5, in a hard-fought battle.
Home run swatting Bear Henderson
led Chi Phi to an astronomical 14-4
victory over PEP. Phi Delt whipped
Pi Lam, 11-1, in other Division Two

The encounters in Division
Three provided IM enthusiasts with
a bit more closely contested battles.
Sigma Pi defeated St. Elmo, 5-3,
and Phi Kap came from behind to
trip PiKA 4-3 on Russell Ketchum's
two RBI double.

AePi downed Delta Sig, 8-5, to
conclude Wednesday's Division
Three schedule. Sigma Pi sits atop
the league with a 2-0 mark,
followed by ZBT and Phi Kap in a
1-0-1 tie for second place.

Spotlighting the Division Four
activity was the Zete triumph over
SAM, 13-7. DKE evened its ledger
with a 8-4 victory at the hands of
Phi Psi. Bob Galione and Lee
Fauntelroy belted homers in the
DKE cause.

ATO won its second straight,
whipping Sigma Nu, 6-3, and Pi
Kap clobbered Sigma Phi to the
tune of a 17-2 tally. As things stand
now, ATO, Zete, and Pi Kap are all
tied for the Division Four lead,
boasting 2-0 records.

Softball action continues to
highlight the high point
competition, as the badminton and
golf tourneys get under way.