University of Virginia Library


There has been a shift in the
football coaching staff at the
University. Billy Clay has been
named the new head Freshman
Coach. Clay was formerly the head
coach at the University of Arkansas
and has since been coaching high
school football. The new
appointment will mean a
promotion in coaching positions for
coaches Kupee, Fletcher, and
Campbell. Fletcher will now assist
with the line coaching duties.


Last night the action was
expected to be good in Boston as
the Celtics sought their fourth
straight victory against the Philadelphia
76ers in the best-of-seven
Eastern semifinals of the National
Basketball Association playoffs.
Player-coach, Bill Russell explained
the Celtic winning streak by saying.
"We're just playing our best ball of
the season. Everyone is doing the
job. We're getting a team effort."
The 76'ers were not very confident
about last night's game, but they
had not given up all hope. Their
spirits were a bit diminished
Monday when they learned that
high scoring Chet Walker would
miss the fourth game because of a
pulled ligament.


Stockholm was the scene of the
world amateur hockey championship
which the U.S.S.R. team
successfully captured for the seventh
year in a row. The Russians
were defending their championship
against the Canadian team and they
held their own with a 4-2 final
score in the title game.