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Ward, Terps
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Maryland football coach Bob
Ward answered charges leveled at
him by some 31 Maryland football
players last night in a meeting with
the players and Athletic Director
Jim Kehoe. The players had made
the charges in a 90 minute meeting
Monday night.

Mr. Kehoe refused to reveal
what the outcome of the controversy
would be. He did say that
there would be a decision on the
matter at the end of this week.
Referring to the players, Kehoe
said, "I was impressed by their
courtesy. They have done nothing
to reflect discredit on themselves."

Ward emerged from the meeting
calm and smiling. He had no
comment, except to state that he
wanted 24 hours to reflect on the
charges. The second year coach has
compiled records of 0-9 and 2-8 in
his tenure at Maryland. Earlier this
week 113 players signed a petition
asking for his resignation.

Speculation as to Ward's status
varied. Many believe that Ward's
position has become untenable and
that Kehoe will be forced to release
him and hire an interim coach while
looking for a permanent replacement.
Others believe that Otto
Graham, ex-coach of the Washington
Redskins, could be induced to
take the job.