University of Virginia Library

In First Regatta

Fledgling Sailors Edge Old Dominion

Saturday 18 members of the
newly formed University of Virginia
Sailing Association participated
in their first Regatta, defeating
Old Dominion College 87
to 73 in Willoughby Bay.

The Virginia sailors got off to
a quick start, taking the first,
second, and fourth places in the
first race for a 14 to 6 lead.
From then on they were never
seriously challenged, taking first
place in all but one of the eight

Commodore Michael C. Bynane
expressed satisfaction with the
performance of the club, and is
anticipating many more victories
in the fall season. He singled out
for praise particularly Timothy
Lester, Alex Schlegel and J. D.
Ball and their crews, each of whom
won two races.

The victory was particularly
pleasing when it is noted that
since the University does not have
its own boats yet, most of the
members were on the water for
the first time since last summer,
and none of the skippers had ever
sailed with their crews before. All but three of those sailing at Norfolk
will be back next year, and
nearly half are first yearmen.

The performance of Tim Lester
and his crew Harriet Hundley was
perhaps the most impressive. Lester,
past Commodore of the Southampton
University Sailing team,
showed the form he used on the
English Channel in both of his
victories. Possibly he was at his
best going to windward, but his
downwind legs and reaches were
quite fine also.

Saturday's victory bodes well for
the future of sailing at the University.
Plans are being laid now
for regattas next fall with Georgetown,
Old Dominion, the rest of
the members of the South Atlantic
Association, and possibly Yale.
And if new boats can be purchased
in time. Commodore Bynane
has indicated that the navigators
might make a trip to New
Orleans for next winter's Sugar
Bowl Regatta.