University of Virginia Library

In Basketball Finale

Phi Gam Cagers Win IM Championship

Memorial Gym took on all appearances
of some kind of
Charlottesville Madison Square
Garden Monday night as Phi Gam
defeated SAE 48-37.

Aside from this IM Championship
taking place on center court,
there loomed poised in the background
the gigantic boxing ring to
be used for Thursday's main attraction.
Buzzy Male was hard
pressed amidst all the excitement
to quell rumors that Ringling
Brothers Circus was to move into
the coveted arena early next week.

But the subject at hand was
basketball. Rallying from a seven
point deficit at half-time, SAE
moved to within three with ten
minutes left, 34-31.

Phi Gam quickly countered by
scoring six straight points to put
the game out of reach, 40-31,
with six minutes left on the nonstoppable

A late attempt by SAE to get
back into the game was unsuccessful,
and Phi Gam took home
the trophy behind a 48-37 win.

Instrumental to the Phi Gam
victory were the efforts of Rick
Brand and Fred Brady. Brand
dominated the boards and
managed to outscore everyone else
with 23 points.

High man for SAE was Sam
Harvey. Harvey kept his team in
the game in the early moments
of the second half with some
long jump shots, and he ended
the game with a 12 point performance.

Phi Gam  F.G.  F.T.  Total 
Brand  10  3-5  23 
Anderson  408 
Graham  0-0 
Brady  1-1 
Nardi  0-1 
SAE  F.G.  F.T.  Total 
Edwards  2-2 
Harvey  2-3  12 
Molesko  2-4  10 
Holtman  0-0 
Bowlin  0-2 

After the brief but joyous celebration
and the presentation of the
trophy by Buzzy Male, Phi Delt
and St. A. took the court in the
consolation game. Phi Delt's tight
man-for-man defense provoked
a cold shooting hand for St. A. in
the second half, and the result
was a 39-26 consolation win for
Phi Delt.

Down by only three at the half,
St. A. could not score a field
goal until Craig Shackleford finally
found the range with 5:07 left
on the clock.

Shackleford's 6 points and Bob
Hine's 7 points offered the best
of a poor scoring attack. Phi
Delt moved slowly but deliberately
in walking away with a 39-26