University of Virginia Library

Men Of Blade Send Scare
Into East Champ Hopkins

The fencing team, this past weekend,
traveled to Baltimore to meet
the fencers of Johns Hopkins for
its first non conference match of
the season.

Making the trip with six first-year
men, the Cavaliers expected
to gain little more than experience
against the perennial eastern champions.
Upsets became the rule of
the day, however, as Virginia lost
by a mere three bouts, 12-15.

In foil, second-year man Bob
Cohen had a perfect day against
Hopkins, amassing 3 wins with
no defeats. Rick Lasser added another
victory to the cause.

First-year men Dave Seroski
and Brian Coupe in epee, and
Barry Edwards in sabre, each contributed
2 wins against 1 defeat.

This accomplishment cannot be
overrated. Against upperclass
fencers, at a fencing factory like
Johns Hopkins, and with approximately
two months of fencing
experience to their credit, these
gentlemen deserve tremendous

First-year men Randy Christian
and Joe Stegmeier in sabre, and
Charlie Taylor in foil also made
excellent showings. Each lost extremely
close matches to more experienced