University of Virginia Library

In This Corner


With Randy Wert


BY THIS TIME NONE OF US would have missed the fact
that tomorrow's opponent in Scott Stadium will be Virginia
Tech's self-proclaimed "Big Orange", cross-state rival
extraordinary. But it is still possible that there are those poor
souls who have yet to fathom the paramount importance of
this contest. Therefore, while the Hokies are hitching up the
tractor wagon for the trip to the "big city", we shall shed a
little light on the subject.

"Victory at all costs" in tomorrow's confrontation is pretty
much the slogan at both schools, and there are several reasons.
Saturday's kickoff will be the 53rd in the history of the
Virginia-Tech clash with the score even at 24 triumphs each
with four ties. These statistics become especially symbolic
when one considers that both squads come to town featuring a
new coaching staff which has dedicated itself to winning
football supremacy in the state of Virginia.

losing season a la the Army-Navy classic, but a second straight
verdict in favor of the Wahoos could do much for Coach Don
Lawrence's recruiting efforts within the state. Currently, the
cream of the Old Dominion's High School football crop is
largely siphoned off by Carolina schools or by the Midwest
area with a demitasse left for division between the Cavaliers
and the Turkeys.

Usually drab Scott Stadium will take on a comparatively
carnival-like atmosphere this weekend. University Hall has
acquired over 10,000 "Yes Virginia" stickers which can
conveniently be stuck on bumpers, windows, walls, columns,
hats, lapels, and foreheads. They are available at many places
over the grounds, and it is the advice of this offering that those
who read it pussyfoot over to a distribution point and pick up
one or five of them.

Adding to the stadiums dressed up looks will be the scores
of banners and signs which will be draped over every available
blank spot. The Intra-Fraternity Council has offered to
sponsor a keg of beer for the wittiest or otherwise most
creative banner as judged by a celebrity as yet unnamed.

difference inside the fence tomorrow could be the voices of
the thousands of Cavalier rooters who will be on hand. Wahoo
fans are not known to cheer vociferously unless there is
something to be cheered for from the Cavalier point of view,
but the horde of Gobbler partisans which will descend upon
Hookville to make one of the largest crowds in the history of
the old football palace is reputed to be extremely vocal,
particularly in the cause of vengeance.

outcome of the encounter is the sudden blossoming of a strong
pass rush under the auspices of Billy Williams and Andy
Selfridge on the left, and Stanley Land and Bob Bressan on the
right. Land played his best game against the Wolfpack a week
ago and sacked QB Bruce Shaw four times during the course of
the afternoon.

Another bright spot is the secondary of Mullen. McGrail.
Brown, and Sroba which picked off three Pack aerials and has
suffered only one bad afternoon in eight. With line backers.
McFarland, Michaels, and Gehr to police a heretofore weak
ground game, the Cavalier formula could make kumquats of
the Orange offense.

of the Turkey defense has been mentioned. And remember
that quarterback Larry Albert had a fine game against. Tech
last year. Hopefully, he has some sort of fixation. Wide
receiver Dave Sullivan showed the world that he is back in
health as well as form with his acrobatics in Raleigh, and
Fullback Gary Helman has had another week to regain his
customary effectiveness. Kent Merritt has arrived as a threat,
and if Albert's touchy shoulder is injured on one of his gutsy
rambles. Harrison Davis is coming off a fine pitch hit
performance against State.

At any rate, the weekend is here and the enthusiasm must
mount in Charlottesville. The team has reached its peak of
anticipation, and as a member of the Wahoo staff put it, "the
kids are real excited that there is going to be a warm body in
every seat." So let's all make our signs, wear our stickers, and
stock up on throat lozenges before appearing to loudly cheer
the Cavalier juice machine.