University of Virginia Library


By Liz Chavez


"Companionship" — being with each other.
"Therapy" — a means of bringing about social
adjustment. "Companionship Therapy" — a
desire on the part of concerned volunteers to
show that they care, to help fill the needs of
mentally deficient or physically handicapped
adults and children.

Volunteers work in either a one-to-one
relationship with a patient or share a common
interest with a group of patients. Special
training is not required, for each one of us has
what is needed — the capacity to care.

A large aspect of the C.T. work is with
Western State Mental Hospital in Staunton
which is serving more than 2700 patients. Fear
of the unknown and inhibitions about working
with mental patients are very real for most
people, yet they are unfounded. Talking with a
mental patient is probably easier than rapping
with one's roommate: and usually more

Through such activities as bowling,
ping-pong, horseback riding, a student can form
a meaningful and lasting relationship that will
be as beneficial to him as to the patient. Other
aspects of the C.T. include work with the
Children's Rehabilitation Center, the Retarded
Children's Association and Bloomfield School.

Students are presently going to Western
State Hospital on Saturday evenings to view the
Civilisation Film Series with the patients. Such
spring events as picnics and tours of Monticello
are already planned and many other activities
are being discussed for the Summer. Local
merchants such as the A&P Store. Coca Cola
Bottling Company and private individuals have
provided the materials needed to make these
events possible — you can supply the personal
