University of Virginia Library

'A' Side Romps As Schmidt Tallies 28

By Bill Nachman
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Demolishing every Eastern
Rugby Union scoring record
Sunday afternoon, Peter Schmidt
led the Virginia 'A' side over Duke,
40-6, as he alone accounted for 28
points. Schmidt's tallies included
four tries, two penalty kicks, and
five conversions. The previous
record(18) was held by a member of
the Washington (D.C.) Club, while
the former Cavalier high(17) was
set by Julian Rainey six years ago.

The tone of the match was set
during the first play when there was
a Duke infraction and Schmidt
quickly took advantage of it for a
50 yard penalty kick. From then on
it was all Virginia's match. Besides
Schmidt's points other tallies were
delivered by Courtney Hoopes,
Buzz Witt, Ron Pulliam, and Jay
Waldron. Scrum half Tom Furniss
and fly Mike Frakes also turned in
good jobs on the Nameless pitch.

Duke, which tied the Cavaliers,
6-6, last fall, gained its only points
on two penalty kicks off the toe of
oldtimer Bill Harvey. "The Gray
Ghost" was noticeably slower than
he has been the past few years.
Scrum play hurt the Blue Devils, as
did the Virginia backline's ability to
work the ball deftly up and down
the line to set up the numerous
tries registered in the match.

Unhappy Fates

Fate was not as happy for the
Turques (B), as they lost to a
hustling band from American
University, 15-13, Saturday
afternoon before the Nameless
supporters. AU gained the
advantage by capitalizing on several
Turque miscues. Two long tries by
Joe Gaber, one try by Marty
Millichap, and two conversions by
Bobby Ess were the bright spots in
a dismal Virginia setback.

Happier times were seen in the
fourth side match held Saturday, as
the Virginians romped past a
conglomerate group of second
teamers from American, several
members of the AU varsity and
three low side Virginia players
(among them this foolhearty
representative from the Cavalier
Daily, who was on a wing), 24-0.
Leading the way was fullback Pete
Williamson, who tried three times,
Center Stocky Hobart, Frank
Rhoda, and Pete Clark, who
handled the booting, all were sharp.

Eight Teams

This Saturday the 'A' side
travels to Richmond to participate
in the Richmond Invitational
Tournament. This eight-sided affair
includes Washington, Baltimore
(currently ranked number seven in
the nation), Princeton, Duke, South
Carolina, VMI, Richmond, and
Virginia. Two matches will face the
ruggers on Saturday, but the
pairings have not been released yet.

Next weekend the ruggers play
host to the tenth annual
Commonwealth Cup Tourney.
Toronto Welsh, University of
Chicago, Notre Dame, Cleveland
Blues, Manhattan, Brown, Army,
and Virginia will be after the
coveted pewter cup, among the top
prizes in eastern rugby circles.