University of Virginia Library

IM Events Near Close

The season is rapidly drawing to
a close for both Bowling and
Basketball in High Point
competition and each individual
contest is becoming more and more
significant for the competing teams.

Division A bowling finds DU
and AEPi sporting identical 7-0
records, headed for a showdown in
their lone remaining regular-season
game. PiKA has clinched at least a
tie in Division B, as its 7-0 mark
represents a one half-game margin
over trailing Sigma Chi (6-1). In
Division C, which has cone through
all but the eighth games of its
schedule, Phi Kap hovers over Phi
Sig and SPE with a scant one
half-game lead. Phi Kap's record
rests at 6-1 but a final game setback
would force a deadlock with its
challengers, who face each other in
the season finale.

Only in Division D are there two
matches remaining for each club.
PEP and KA are perched atop the
standings with undefeated 6-0
marks but are slated for a
tiebreaker before the close of the
regular campaign.

Tuesday night basketball action
produced few changes in the High
Point standings. Phi Delt gained at
least a tie for the championship of
Division A in topping Delta Sig.

Division D, which completed its
slate last week, offers AEPi (7-0), as
champion, and Zete (6-1), as


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