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Cavayearlings Crushed, 124-66

By John Markon
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Saturday night's game between
the Virginia and Maryland freshman
basketball teams was simply a case
of the destruction of one team by
another. The powerful Baby Terps
had trouble only with 40 point
scorer Bob McCurdy as they rolled
to an easy 124-66 triumph.

With five minutes gone in the
first half a Rich Bantz jumpshot
made the score 13-0 Maryland and
the game was all but over. Virginia
crawled back to within nine points
at 18-9 but Maryland had only to
get serious again, scoring 22 of the
next 26 points and grabbing a
51-21 halftime lead.

Aside from McCurdy, none of
the Cavayearlings made much noise.
Bob McKeag was second high in
points with 8 and rebounds with 5
but fouled out halfway through the
second half. Also disqualified were
Steve Boettner and Lanny
Stahurski, the latter playing only
13 minutes before being asked to
leave. Al Drummond and Keith
Sudduth played fairly well,
considering the opposition, but
little Steve Morris had difficulty,
making only 1 of 7 shots and
authoring 10 turnovers.

That leaves McCurdy and, as the
fresh season ends, he seems the
Cavayearling most likely to find a
berth in next year's starting five.
Held to 9 points at halftime he
scored 31 in the second half by
both shooting outside and driving
the lane on McMillen, Cartwright,
or whoever else happened to be in
front of him. He was good on 15 of
28 shots and was 10 for 11 from
the line.

As for Maryland's freshman
team everyone is now convinced
that the potential for ACC
dominance is there. It is more than
speculation that next year's
Maryland starters will include Baby
Terps Tom McMillen, 23 points last
night, Mark Cartwright, 32 points,
Japeth Trimble, 37 points, and
Richie Porae, 19 assists. Len
Elmore, a 6-9 star from New York,
is another top prospect who missed
much of the season with a knee

With this powerful team Lefty
Driesell has a shot at all the honors
there are to be won in college
basketball. If they do not, as time
passes, meet their expectations
something will have gone wrong.
Something may be going wrong
right now as they can be seen
clenching their fists, making the
"V" sign to Maryland's fans, and
giving the officials unwanted aid.
This is the showboat Driesell style
and hot dog teams don't win titles.

The Cavayearlings finished 10-6
and at times played much better
than that. Their ACC mark was a
worrisome 0-6 but the emergence
of McCurdy, and occasional good
performances by Drummond,
McKeag and Stahurski made them a
team worth watching.