University of Virginia Library

Shrum, Farmer, In Last Home Meet

By Jim Wilson
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

This afternoon at four
o'clock the Virginia swimming
team will have their last home
meet of the 1970-71 season
and the last swimming meet in
The Memorial gym pool for all
times. Next year the Cavalier
mermen will swim in the new
University Hall natatorium but will
be without the services of this
year's seniors.

This afternoon's meet against
the Virginia Tech Gobblers is the
last home meet for swimming
Co-Captains Don arme and John
Shrum as well as diving Tri-Captain
Steve ReMine. These three
competitors have undergone the
surge from small-time swimming at
Virginia up the ladder towards the
big-time competition of the
grant-in-aid teams. They have
survived the shift which has left
many former swimmers in its wake
white providing desperately needed
leadership, maturity, and
competitive examples for the other
swimmers who have stuck with the

The times and scores of these
captains can be easily replaces in a
few years as the swimming world's
and the Virginia team times
improve. But as Coach Ron Good
said, "They will be sorely missed
and difficult to replace because of
their maturity, hard work, and

These three Captains will lead
the Virginia swimming team against
a solid but not spectacular VPI
swimming team. The underdog
Gobblers will face a tapering
Cavalier team.