University of Virginia Library

AEPi Leads IM Race

With the fast approaching
advent of Christmas, New Year's,
final exams, and the semester break
one wonders "Can the hectic
wind-up of the Intramural races be
far behind?" With the conclusion of
important sports like football and
three-man basketball a look at the
rankings indicates that this year's
race could be extremely tight.

AEPi, volleyball and basketball
powerhouse, is presently on top of
the standings with 648 points. To
win their volleyball crown the
AEPi's bested Pi Kap two games
out of three, and they clinched the
three-man hardcourt crown by
decisioning Sigma Nu.

Close on the heels of AEPi are
PiKA, with 629 points, and Zete,
possessor of 620. PiKA showed
very strongly in volleyball, posting
a 7-0 regular season mark, and
boasted a division-leading 5-2
football mark. The Zetes were 6-1
in volleyball and 5-3 on the gridiron
and neither house did poorly in
minor sport competition.

Pi Kap, the other volleyball
finalist, is ensconced in fourth place
with 588 points and also claimed an
undefeated regular season football
record. Sigma Chi hangs sixth after
losing the consolation finals in both
football and volleyball. Some

A step above them in fifth rests
Phi Delt. The Phi Delts have 545
points, good for a twenty point
edge over Sigma Chi.

Currently in seventh, but
destined to move up, is Phi Kap.
The handball and tennis tourneys,
now in their final stages feature a
very large number of Phi Kap
participants and the points that
could possibly be garnered there
could boost the Phi Kaps, in the
words of IM boss John Lafley, "All
the way to Number One."

Rounding out the Top Ten are
Sigma Pi, 477 points, Phi Sig, 471
points, and Phi Psi, 462 points. In
results from the recently concluded
foul-shooting derby AEPi
triumphed in the finals over Phi
Gam, while Rick Sardin of PiKA
took individual honors.