University of Virginia Library

Ali Sees Early Bonavena Exit

By Will Grimsley

Muhammad Ali reverted to the
cocky, loud-mouthed Cassius Clay
of old Monday and predicted in
unscannable rhyme that he would
stop Argentina's Oscar Bonavena in
the ninth round of their 15-round
heavyweight bout in New York
Dec. 7.

"Before round nine is out

"The referee will jump and

"That-t-t-s-s all, folks,

"This turkey is out!"

The undefeated but deposed
heavyweight asserted that he just
"couldn't keep quiet" to an
assembly of newsmen.

Predicting's His Bag

Alluding to Bonavena's earlier
victory predictions Ali stated "I
can't let that man predict on me.
That's my bag. I'm the one who
predicts and calls it right. If there's
anything I don't like it's a fighter
who talks too much."

"Sticking and Moving"

Ali explained that he would wait
until round nine for the knock-out
to allow time for "feeling him
(Bonavena) out", "sticking and
moving", "bouncing him around a
bit", and, in the eighth round,
issuing the Argentinian a warning
that he has "one more round to