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Cavayearlings Bury W&M
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Finish At 4-1

Cavayearlings Bury W&M

By John Markon
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

One of the better Virginia
first-year football teams of all time
concluded its season on Friday
afternoon with a 30-6 victory over
William & Mary in a game marked
by sloppy play, displays of temper,
and over-protective officiating.

Merritt Ejected

Virginia star halfback Kent
Merritt, after compiling 82 yards in
less than two quarters of action,
was denied a chance to further
augment his already impressive
rushing totals when he was ejected
after a pushing match with Papoose
defensive star Kevin Rogers. This
incident led to the outbreak of bad
blood between the two teams that
reached epidemic proportions in
the fourth quarter.

Before the hasty exit of Merritt
the Cavayearling offense was able
to move the ball and score almost
at will. Runs by Merritt and Kelly
Millard would set the Papoose
defense up for Harrison Davis'
infrequent but effective passes.

Four First Half TDs

The good balance of the Virginia
attack was illustrated when their
four first half touchdowns were
registered by four different players.
Merritt and Millard scored on
one-yard plunges in the first period
and Bill Kuykendall and Steve
Sroba tallied on one-yarders in the
second. Bill Maxwell added all the
conversions and an apparent scoring
pass from Davis to end Ed Sabornic
was called back when a
Cavayearling was detected to be in
motion illegally.

William and Mary struggled to
mount an attack throughout the
afternoon but was never quite up to
it. Several times they gambled on
fourth-and-inches and it seemed
they failed every time. It wasn't
until the fourth quarter that they
managed to score, and then only on
a rather shaky drive made possible
only by frequent personal fouls by

Riotous Fourth Quarter

By that time the game was
totally out of the control of the
officials, and of everyone else. The
over exuberance of the Cavs
defensive line led to three
consecutive assessments for
roughing the passer. At the final
gun tackle Leroy Still, obviously
incensed, thought it necessary to
make one last run onto the field to
attend to unfinished business.

The Cavayearlings, then, finish
the year at 4-1 and offer to next
year's varsity many players who
will certainly be of help.