University of Virginia Library

Pi Kaps Ice Berth, Sigma Nu Falls

High Point Football is in its last
two games and most of the playoff
spots are still open. Pi Kap is the
only team to be assured of a
playoff spot as they rolled over DU,
13-0, to boost their record and
clinch first place in division C.

Zete Triumphs

Division A is still an open race as
Sigma Nu dropped their first game
of the season to Zete. Sigma Pi is
the lone undefeated team in
division A as they walloped KA,
27-6, on Friday, and ZBT, 12-7, on
Monday. ZBT and Zete remain in
contention for one of the two
division A playoff spots with 4-2

Three teams have good shots at
the playoff slots in Division B with
5-1 records. Beta, Phi Sig, and
Sigma Chi are all in contention,
while Sigma Chi is expected to take
one playoff spot as they play
winless TKE in their final game of
the season. All three won their
games on Monday.

A wild race is going on in
division C as three teams go into
their final games battling for the
lone remaining playoff bid. SAE
coming off a 33-6 victory over SAM
will match an identical 4-2 season
record against St. Anthony, who
edged by Delta Sig, 18-13.

Four Way Race

Four teams are bidding for the
two division playoff slots. PiKA
remained tied for first place as they
smashed PEP, 32-8, behind the
substitution quarterbacking of Phil
Barber. St. Elmo's puts their share
of the lead on the line as they play
Phi Kap who squeaked by
SPE, 13-12. AEPi is also in the race
as they have a 4-2 record - as does
Phi Kap.