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Runners To Face UNC, State

By Mike DeCamps
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Coach Lou Onesty's cross-country
squad opens its 1970 schedule
this afternoon in Raleigh with a
rather important tri-meet with
North Carolina State and North
Carolina. The three o'clock opening
is one of the latest opening dates
any conference team has and may
work to the Cavaliers benefit as
they have already logged many
more miles than most schools
usually have for their first meet.

The result of all this practice is a
squad loaded with first-yearmen
and apparently a lot more depth
than previous year's teams. A
fourth place finish in the conference
last year raised the hopes
for an even higher finish this year
and the teams to beat are apparently
State and Carolina.

Second yearman Phil Mayer will
again be leading the team this year,
but will not have Rich Katz, last
year's captain to run along side
him. Katz having graduated is the
only major loss from last year's

Mayer, a ninth place finisher in
the conference meet last year, has
come on strong in a year and
should prove to be one of the best
in the conference this year. He has
a 9:24 two-mile to his credit en
route to a three mile.

Behind Mayer there is a pack of
runners indicating the depth of this
year's team. Brew Barron and first
yearman Jim Wood have run
two-three in time trials. Barron a
third year 1:55 half-miler appears
in good shape, and Wood has done
a 1:56 in high school.

The next seven runners on the
team will probably be trading positions
throughout the season.
First-yearmen Mike Pace, Joe
Cacciapaglia, Bob Grevelle, and
Mike Nesbitt all are very promising.

To compliment these are veterans
Mayo Tabb, Jerry Hart and
captain Frank Andrew. Andrew is
the only senior on the team.

Unfortunately for the Cavaliers
both their opponents today have
many returning veterans. State has
three of the top milers in the
Conference returning. Gareth Hayes
a premier distance runner at any
distance is back and a sure threat
for first.

State also returns Neil Ackley
and Jim Lee, both sub 4:12 milers.
Past this thought States depth can
be questioned. Carolina on the
other hand has only lost Kenny
Helms from last year's third place
team, and is reported to have two
4:15 milers in its corps of frosh.