University of Virginia Library

Soviets Poor Sports

MOSCOW, May 12 -
Bitterness marked the first
official Soviet reaction tonight
to the selection of Montreal as
the site of the 1976 Summer

Tass, the official press agency,
said in a from Amsterdam,
where the selection had been made:

"This decision was adopted
contrary to elementary logic and
common sense, since Moscow,
which had also claimed the role of
host city, had clearcut and
unquestionable arguments in its
favor both from the point of view
of sport, economy and politics."

The agency did not directly
mention that the United States had
proposed Los Angeles and Italy had
submitted Florence as the site.

"Moscow took part in the
competition honestly and in full
conformity with the Olympic charter,
whereas both Los Angeles and
Montreal were warned in February
1970 by the I.O.C. in connection
with big spending on advertising."


Approximately 400 Participated In Yesterday Afternoon's Annual Stumblefoot Marathon

The 1.5 Mile Race Of Jocks And Pledges Traditionally Culminates The Intramural Season