University of Virginia Library

Top Prep Swimmers
Recruited By Good

Two Prep-School All-Americans
from Lawrenceville
School head up the list of
coach Ron Good's first swimming

John Vinson, a breaststroker,
is probably the top
prospect. A San Antonio Texas
native, he was the 1970
Eastern Interscholastic Breaststroke
Champion while at Lawrenceville.
Good tabs him as
"potentially one of the finest
all-around swimmers ever to
enter the University. His teammate,
also winning national
recognition, is a Summerville,
South Carolina product, Foster
Smith. He was an Eastern
Interscholastic and Prep finalist
in diving his last two years.

Ned Kelly from Bishop
O'Connel in Arlington is one of
a fine group of free-style
sprinters coming to Charlottesville.
He is the best sprinter in the
state of Virginia and an All-American
Water Polo player. He was a
finalist in the Southern Interscholastic
Championships and the Junior
Olympics. He was also a
member of a National Record-Holding
Freestyle Relay in high school.

Joining Kelly will be Bill
Hutchinson and Brad Reynolds,
Hutchinson, from Annandale High
School, was one of Northern
Virginia's best sprinters and an
outstanding student. Reynolds
comes out of Manhaim Township
High School in Neffsville, Pennsylvania
and has already recorded
times that are better than several
Virginia school and pool records.
An eight letterman in high school,
he is also an outstanding golfer.

From Bethel High, Hampton,
Va. comes Stellway, a fine
all-around swimmer with fine potential
and a propensity for hard
work. A former protege of Good.
Steven Wann from Williamsburg
will add depth in the breaststroke,
while Mike Terry from Middletown,
Ohio will booster the diving corps.

Rounding out the group is
butterflier Robert Koisch out of
Yorktown High School in Arlington.
Koisch "shows enough potential
to be an ACC finalist in his
freshman year," Good points out.
"He will be a tremendous asset in
spirit, enthusiasm, and determination
to the Virginia team."