University of Virginia Library

Harrold Scores
For Mannix

By Tom Adams
Daily Cavalier Page Filler

Unless there is appeal made to the Student Council at
tomorrow night's meeting, Kevin Mannix, current Vice-president
of that group, will become its first president elected for a
year-long term.

Mr. Mannix virtually assured his election by being the only
person to turn his petition in by 4 p.m. last Wednesday

He and Mary Jean Harrold,
who is chairman of the Political
Societies and Elections Committee
of the Council, secretly
slipped an announcement in the
Council's Tuesday night minutes
stating that candidates for the
post of President of the Student
Council must hand in their
petitions to the Council office
between 3 and 4 p.m. Wednesday

Since Mr. Mannix is the only
student signed up, he has virtually
won the election, according to Miss
Harrold, who stated yesterday that
no write-in candidates will be accepted.

But Miss Harrold, who is rumored
to be in love with Mr. Mannix, said
she expected at least one student, J.
Michael Murphy, to file a protest
with the Council.

According to Miss Harrold, Mr.

Murphy maintains that the Student
Council minutes were not printed or
distributed until four days after the
petitions were due.