University of Virginia Library

Grappler's Aim
For Terrapins

Many of the hopes wrestling
coach George Edwards entertains
for the upcoming season rest with a
strong group of first year-men; or at
least they are strong on paper.

Virginia came up with the best
second place finish anyone has ever
had to Maryland in the ACC
wrestling tournament last year. The
Cavaliers boasted one champion in
that tournament, 137 pound John
Pegues who will be returning to add
some experienced leadership.

The first year prospects are
expected to round out the squad.
Sheldon Zablow, twice a Virginia
State champion from Granby in
Norfolk, will wrestle in the 142
pound class. A PIA state champion
from Pennsylvania, Lyn Housner,
will probably be around the 150
mark, but is out now with a knee

A number of other young
wrestlers should help raise the
Cavalier caliber of wrestling in the
next few years. Kim Hatcher at
126, Wayne Hoffman at 158, and
Jeff McCall at anywhere from 142
to 158 are some more of the
hopefuls, along with Chip Childs, a
120 pounder from Episcopal High
in Alexandria.

A few of the first year football
players could lend some help,
particularly in the heavier weight
classes. Kevin Michaels, Fred Kaspick,
Bill Farrell, and Rob Lipman
were all outstanding school boy
grapplers. From the 177 class on
up, where the team needs help,
they could be used.

The returning grapplers will be
the team's nucleus, Co-captain Ted
Moore and his brother Chris are
back along with Warren Clark, John
Pitas, Dickson Brown, Lyles Carr,
and Pete Faber. Carr and Faber are
out now with injuries.

In addition Dave Damico will be
wrestling at 134 pounds, and Paul
Boehm at 190. They are two new
faces this year have won places
on the squad.

The opening competition for the
Cavaliers will take place at Lexington
in the form of a quadrangle
meet on December 5th and 6th.
Friday night the grapplers take on
VCU, then VMI on Saturday afternoon,
and end with Washington &
Lee Saturday night.

Coach Edwards hopes to get
more interest from the student
body by planning three matches
right after home basketball games
to hold the crowd and lend
support. These matches will be
against UNC, William and Mary,
and VPI.

On December 13 a wrestling
homecoming will be held to begin
to drum up support for a wrestling
scholarship fund.


Coach George Edwards