University of Virginia Library

Princeton Rolls

Michigan Shocks Ohio State

Upset again was the name of the
game during this past gridiron
weekend. USC slid by UCLA, both
Dartmouth and invincible Ohio
State fell from the unbeaten ranks,
and Duke won by a Shoestring over
the Tarheels of UNC.

In the shocker of the century,
Michigan carried a shaky 8-2
record into Ann Arbor stadium to
face mighty Ohio State University.
Given about as much chance of
dethroning the reigning national
champions as the Christians were
given against the lions, Michigan
played magnificent ball as they
steamrolled OSU 24-12.

Bouncing back from a 17-14
defeat at the hands of Yale, the
Princeton Tigers were in their best
form as they trampled highly
touted Dartmouth, 35-7, to gain a
share of the Ivy League title.

Under balmy California skies,
mistakes characterized USC's battle
with UCLA, for the trip across town
to the Rose Bowl. After missing his
fourth straight pass, USC's Jimmy
Jones was given new life when a
disputed interference call gave him
a first down near mid-field. On the
next play Jones hit only his fifth
pass of the day for a touchdown
and a 14-12 come from behind

Duke's homecoming was
successful by shoestring as Leo Hart
pulled one of his best plays of the
year. In a 7-7 tie with UNC late in
the third period Hart knelt near the
right sideline to tie his shoe as the
rest of the squad moved to the left
of the ball. Flanker Mel Courtillet
then shoveled the ball to flanker
Wes Chesson who streaked 53 yards
for a touchdown to pave the way to
a 17-13 victory.