University of Virginia Library

Intramural Gridders Kick Off Season;
Zete Set To Defend Mad Bowl Title

This afternoon marks the beginning
of the fall intramural sports
program. Touch football is the
game, and thirty-three teams of the
Highpoint League will be battling it
out for the Highpoint touch football

The league consists of four
divisions, each containing eight
teams. Games will be played at Mad
Bowl and the fields across from the
second-year dorms.

Zete, last year's winner of
highpoint touch football and the
overall IM highpoint championship,
is again favored to take the football
title. With the aid of three All Mad
Bowl football players, ends Potter
and Hilbert, and back Rullman, the
Zetes will seek to outscore their
two largest foes, Phi Gam, last
year's runner-up, and SAE.

However, intramurals is not
limited to fraternities. The Dormitory
Leagues and the Independent
League, composed of graduate
students, Law students, and Med
students, contain a total of forty-two

The emphasis in IM football is in
scoring. The game is razzle-dazzle,
with forward passes over the line of
scrimmage legal and all players as
eligible receivers. Intramurals assistant
Senior Manager Mark Krebs
remarked that "Defense is the name
of the game." Mark believes that
the team with the best defense will
have the best chance to come out
on top.

All students at the University
are encouraged to play intramurals,
and this year it looks as if there are
a lot of interested athletes. John C.
Lafley, Assistant Director of IM's,
is highly pleased with the turnout.
"Overall, we already have more
entries than we've ever had before
in individual sports. This year I
look for the best program in the
history of Virginia."