University of Virginia Library

Outing Club
Slalom Held

A crowd of about one hundred
gathered on the banks of the
Rappahannock River to spectate
the Kelley's Ford Canoe Slalom.
Sponsored by the University of
Virginia Outing Club, last
Saturday's competition drew canoe
enthusiasts from as far away as
California hoping to slide through
the proscribed slalom gates unimpeded.

Congressman John O. Marsh, Jr.
was on hand to present trophies to
the top three contestants in each
class. Members of the Virginia
Outing Club winning prizes were
Larry and Fran Snyder, first place
in the C-2 mixed class; Stin
Lenkerd, first place in the C-1 class;
and John Shell and Leroy Meyer,
first place in the C-2 novice event.

John Ponton and Stin Lenkerd
placed second in the C-2 class, as
Tryg Steen and Dave Croasdaile
took third place awards in the
kayak intermediate and novice

This weekend the Outing Club
will take part in the Middle States
Downriver ans Slalom Champions
hips on the North Fork of the
Potomac near Petersburg, West
Virginia. Besides canoing there will
be hiking and rock climbing trips at
Seneca Rocks, and caving nearby.
For further details, contact John