University of Virginia Library

Easters Weekend

Alumni Game Set

Notre Dame had to give up their
varsity-alumni game because there
was no enthusiasm and consequence
participation from the old
Irish. But here at the University no
fewer than 81 former Wahoos have
said that they will return Easters
Weekend to face Coach Blackburn
and his youngsters.

Last season's backfield of Frank
Quayle, Jeff Anderson, Gene
Arnette, and Jeff Calamos are
expected to provide the offense so
vital in these annual spring battles.

The lists of past great gridders
returning is impressive. Tom Scott
who played as an all-pro linebacker
with the New York Giants will be
back to help with the coaching and
may play. Bob Kowalkowski, current
offensive guard on the Detroit
Lions, will be looking for some
action. A former pro handling some
of the coaching duties will be Jim
Copeland of the Cleveland Browns.

One of the greats of all time for
the Cavaliers, Bullit Bill Dudley, is
expected to kick extra points.
Dudley was an all-American halfback,
but has decided that he will
leave the ball carrying to some
younger players.

All-pro flanker of the San
Francisco 49'ers, formerly of the
St. Louis Cardinals, Sonny Randle
has not yet replied, but he has
missed only one game since he

Going over to the AFL, Houston
Oilers Bob Davis and Ed Carrington
have not made their intents known,
but they are expected back to lead
the attack.

Bob Weir will open his practice
sessions before the game, but the
alumni players will not arrive until
Friday. Friday night there will be a
beer party for all the alumni team
and their families, and Weir speculates
that the alumna's defense
should be worked out sometime
before the game Saturday. Awards
for the most valuable defensive
lineman and back and offensive
lineman and back will be given
Saturday night at a banquet for the
alumni team.

Tickets for the game are on sale
now for the all time low of one
dollar per person. However, on the
day of the game the tickets will go
up to two dollars.