University of Virginia Library

Sweet Briar First Overall

Skiers Win Invitational

By Charles Ribakoff

The University Ski Team swept
its fourth straight race Sunday
when they placed five racers in the
top ten to dominate the first annual
University of Virginia Invitational
Giant Slalom at the Homestead.

Over 100 spectators, including
President and Mrs. Shannon, and
television and news teams looked
on as the team made use of the new
snow and ideal conditions to
dominate the first intercollegiate
ski race ever held in Virginia,
besting teams from four other
colleges with entrants from three
countries and eleven states.

First-year man, John Mowinckle
ran aggressively down the steep,
14-gate course to win the mens'
division with a time of 1:23.6.
Mowinckle, who has been improving
all season, finally came through
when the teams consistent winners
either went to Vermont or fell.

Brew Moseley, a second-year
man, recovered from a poor day
Saturday at the Bryce Championships
where he was disqualified
from the slalom for missing a gate,
and skied an extremely smooth,
well planned race on the fast course
finishing second with a time of

Rick Miller rounded out the
Cavalier sweep of the top three
positions with a 1:25.1, over three
seconds faster than the fourth place
finisher, Arpad A. Pap from VPI.
Charles Ribakoff, although
obviously feeling the affects of
three races in two days, managed to
finish a spectacular, barely controlled
run with a time of 1:36.4
for seventh place, while Richard
Tremaine, also exhausted after
winning both events and the combined
trophy in the Bryce Championships
Saturday, lost control
and fell after a very fast start. In
spite of this unscheduled rest
period, however, he was still able to
finish with a fast 1:36.4 for ninth
place, rounding out Virginia's five
finishers in the top ten.

The Sweet Briar Ski Team
managed to dominate the men's
division, and the girls' times were
somewhat embarrassing to the three
Virginia Team leaders. Jenny
Williams, a Junior from New
Hampshire and a suspected ringer,
easily won her division with the
fastest time of the day, a 1:18.1.
Jill Evans, a Sophomore from
Seattle, Washington, ran the course
more aggressively but less smoothly
than Miss Williams, and finished
second with a 1:21.7. Sweet Briar's
Jennifer Bryously took advantage
of a second run when officials
miscalculated the time of her first
run, and finished fourth.

While preparing for the Invitational,
the team competed in Sunday's
Bryce Mountain Championships in
Bayse, Virginia, and walked off
with just about everything but the
chairlifts. They won a total of 8
medals, as well as the trophies for
first and third in combined standings,
annihilating the established ski
clubs from Harrisonburg and Richmond,
as well as several informal
college teams. The competition
consisted of two races, a tight 28
gate Giant Slalom in the morning
followed by a difficult 41 gate
special slalom. Medals were
awarded for combined times. Team
President Rich Tremaine dominated
both races, winning the first place
trophy by a margin of 4 seconds.
Tremaine finally conquered the
spasmodic starts that have plagued
him all year, and ran two well-planned,
aggressive races in winning
his second gold medal of the year.
Hank Ellet finished third overall,
with two consistent races, winning
another gold medal. Jim Boniface
also ran well to pick up a silver
medal, as did John Mowinckel,
whose brilliant attack of the slalom
course earned him sixth place.
Lenny Lind ran smoothly for
seventh place and another silver.
Jeff Werner recovered well, and
placed 11 overall to win a bronze


Photo By Ribakoff

Virginia's John Mowinckle Heads Toward Slalom Gate

Mowinckle Led Cavaliers In First Virginia Invitational Ski Race

The Invitational was planned
and organized by the Ski Team's
officers, with much help and
cooperation from the Homestead
staff who provided medals and the
team trophies. The course designing
and actual running of the race was
done by the Homestead Ski Patrol
and teachers, under the direction of
Sepp Kober, former coach of the
Austrian Olympic Ski Team. It was
without doubt the best run race of
the Virginia season. Mr. Kober said
that he was impressed with the
caliber of skiing in the race, and
hoped that the Invitational would
become an annual event, which the
Ski Team plans to make it.

It was a most successful race,
and a fitting was to close the Ski
Team's highly productive first season.
The team, in four races this
year, won 22 medals, and three
state-wide trophies to continue its
tradition of dominance of state
racing and expand its horizons in
years to come.

J. Mowinckle  U.Va.  1.23.6 
B. Moseley  U.Va.  1.24.5 
Rick Miller  U.Va.  1:25.1 
Arpad A. Pap  VPI  1:28.4 
J. Peat  VPI  1:31.5 
A. Hunt  VPI  1:34.0 
C. Ribakoff  U.Va.  1:36.1 
P. Carlson  W&L  1:36.4 
R. Tremaine  U.Va.  1.36.4