The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 28, 1969 | ||
Watches, Letters
SAC Honors Athletes
In a meeting Tuesday night, the
Student Athletic Council voted
upon and passed thirteen candidates
as eligible to receive a Bulova
watch in recognition for winning a
varsity letter award for three
successive years. The watches are
awarded to all fourth and fifth-yearmen
who were: captain or
co-captain of their team, or recommended
by their coach and approved
by the SAC, in addition to
the previous stipulation of a three
year award winner.
For varsity football, the winners
Clyde E. Arnette
Richard W. Brand
Richard A. Constantine
Charles W. Hammer
William J. Hoppe
Robert M. Paczkoski
Frank J. Quayle
Paul Reeve
Ernest P. Rogers
Paul G. Shelly
For varsity soccer, the winners
Carter T. Gunn
Russell D. Ketcham
Robert H. Aronson
The SAC has also approved the
following letter winners for the fall
Varsity Football
Captain Richard W. Brand, Captain
Clyde E. Arnette, Jeffrey R.
Anderson, Robert A. Bischoff,
Charles T. Blandford, Robert J.
Bressan, Jeffrey C. Calamos, James
H. Carrington, Richard A. Constantine,
Danny L. Fassio.
Albert E. Ferrara, Charles W.
Hammer, Duncan C. Heyward,
William J. Hoppe, Edward J. Kihm,
Richard M. Kotulak, William T.
Lockwood, Julius A. Minton, 3rd.,
Charles E. Mooser, Fredric L.
Moschel, Robert M. Paczkoski,
James B. Page.
Thomas J. Patton, Frank J.
Quayle, Robert C. Rannigan, Paul
Reeve, Paul S. Reid, William H.
Richards, Ernest P. Rogers, Daniel
S. Ryezek, Gary Saft.
Peter W. Schmidt, James W.
Shannon, Paul G. Shelly, Alphonse
T. Sinesky, Michael C. Sutt,
Thomas N. Thomas, David N.
Turner, James A. Willits, David G.
Wyncoop, Manager Francis H.
Myers, Jr.
Varsity Soccer
Captain Carter T. Gunn, Captain
Russell D. , Captain
Robert H. Aronson, Daniel R.
Abramson, John T. Bakhaus,
Shearer D. Bowman, Jay D.
Connor, Jr.
Phillip D. Crane, John H.
Hodges, Robert C. , John P.
Mehrtens, Bronson Platt, Michael C.
Ross, Thomas L. ,
Slobodan L. Sterdtevich, Robert M.
Varsity Cross Country
Captain Richard W. Katz, W.
Franklin W. Andrew, Jr., H.
Brewster Barron, Patrick J. Conroy,
Charles M. DeCamps, Craig B.
Gaarder, Gregory T. Lane, Frank
La Varre, Donald J. Stefl.
First-Year Football
Larry Albert, Ralph Baker,
Thomas Blackburn, William
Boykin, Bobert Burkley, T.K.
Calhoun, Bronier Costas, Mike
Cubbage, James Davis, William
David DeBra, Gregory Dickerhoof,
Dennis Doubet, David
Forman, William Gardener, Thomas
Goss, Robert Gustafson, Gary
Helman, Robert Kasonik, Thomas
Rick Kohlbacher, James Lacey,
Ralph Lawton, Lynn Martin,
Robert McGrail, William McSherry,
Gregory Miller, Michael Silvester,
Ronald Similo, Downing Smith.
Gilbert Smith, Joseph Smith,
David Sullivan, Jerry Taylor, Hal
Trentham, Richard Waalkes, Gib
Walton, Paul .
The Cavalier daily. Friday, February 28, 1969 | ||