University of Virginia Library

Wahoo Gymnasts
Toppled By ODC

Coming out for the only home
gymnastics meet of the season, 300
Cavalier fans were disappointed Saturday
afternoon in Memorial Gym
by a 128-107 defeat at the hands of
Old Dominion College. It was the
fourth loss for Virginia in five
meets. The sole victory of the season
was against the Indians of
William and Mary.

Against Old Dominion, first-year
man Brad O'Neill was the sole
first place finisher for the Cavaliers.
O'Neill's outstanding 9.1 points out
of a possible ten was enough to
capture the vaulting event.

Virginia co-captains Eric Adamson
and Bob Simmons each took a
third place, Adamson on the still
rings and Simmons on the high bar.
Adamson was back on the rings for
the first time since he had a cast for
a knee operation removed last

The Cavalier team is in a
building year and the youth of the
squad gives rise to hopes of fruitful

years to come. Adamson and
Simmons are the only fouth-year
men on the team and first-year men
constitute a majority of the

The outstanding gymnast in the
meet was without a doubt Mark
Grammer of Old Dominion.
Grammer accounted for 43.1 of his
teams 128 points.

The scoring is done by four
judges, usually two from each of
the competing schools. The judges
work with a ten point total, allotting
five points for form, three and one
half for combinations and one and
one half for tricks. The highest and
lowest scores of the judges are
thrown away and the other two are
averaged together for the
contestants score. The top three
contestants scores for each team are
added to compute the team score
for each event. The meet total is
simply the sum of the individual
event totals.