University of Virginia Library

IM Refs Announce
All-Mad Bowl Team

By Gordy Rawles

The fall intramural sports scene,
including highlights of football,
volleyball, handball, and tennis
competition, came to a climax this
week with the announcement of
All-IM teams in high point football
and volleyball.

The All-Madison Bowl football
squad was dominated by IM Champ
Zete Psi which placed four players
on the referee-selected squad. The
Zete contingent, headed by
ambidextrous quarterback Charlie
Rullman and ends Jim Potter and
Doug Hilbert, also included clutch
receiver Tyler Harris, a repeater
from the '67 squad.

Phi Gam, runner-up in the '68
championship, along with Beta and
SPE followed the Zetes in placing
two members each on the
honorary squad. Bill Buck, an
interior lineman, and Fred Brady, a
halfback, were the Fiji members,
while hefty Jack Rhodes and Steve
Botts represented Beta. Brad
Armstrong and Jeff Wolfe
represented SPE. Rounding out the
All-IM eleven was Carl "Bubba"
Smith, ATO's rowdy interior

Another recent announcement
was that of the All-Memorial Gym
Volleyball team. Unlike the
football selections, no one
fraternity dominated the hardcourt
all-stars. Zete, also volleyball
champion (Tyler Harris), Chi Phi
(Bob Henderson), Beta (Steve
Botts), Theta Chi (Tom Koch), Phi
Kap (Bill Kelley), and AEPi (Bill
Greenburger), all placed one
member on the team.

Elsewhere on the IM scene, the
handball competition is being
dominated by Allen Lough (Phi
Psi), last year's outstanding IM
athlete, and his younger brother,
Tim. Allen has advanced to the
semi-finals of the singles where he
awaits the outcome of the match
between Louis Calish and his

In tennis Dick Carrington and
Stokes Grymes of Phi Kap have
advanced to the finals of the
doubles competition, where they
will meet either the Drain-Knowles
team of Phi Gam, or the
Turner-Chisolm combination of St.
A Carrington and Grymes will vie
for the singles championship.