University of Virginia Library

Cheerleader Comment

I want to take this opportunity
to thank all the fans, Alumni,
friends, and students of the
University who made the long trip
to Lafayette, Indiana Saturday.
You all saw that the Cavaliers
finally have one hell of a football
team and realize that the 44-6 score
wasn't at all indicative of the ball
game that took place at Purdue
University. You know it, the team
knows it, and so do 60,000 Purdue
fans. I can't tell you how much
your support was appreciated.

At 7 p.m. Friday night at the
University amphitheater there will
be a Pep rally for our football team,
a team that should beat any of the
teams left on its schedule. Let's
come out and support them.

Jim O'Koon
Head Cheerleader