University of Virginia Library

Swimming Pool To Get
Worthy Improvements

By Ted McKean
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

No, this is no April fool! The
swamp in the south end of
Memorial Gym is actually going
to receive the treatment and attention
that it has been crying
for so long. Improvements are in
store, not only to jazz up the dull
color scheme, but to make the pit
a little more comfortable for the
members of Coach Ralph Law's
swim team.

According to Mr. Harold
Taylor, Director of Buildings and
Grounds, these improvements are
currently being enacted: replacement
(complete) of the entire filtering
system, which has been a continual
nemesis to Mr. Law in the
past; a new paint job for the
whole area, including showers and
locker rooms; and repair of the
leak in the steam line over the


The improvements are now being
completed by the Department of
Buildings and Grounds, at an
estimated cost of $6,700.

A request had been made as
well for renovation of the visibly
poor lighting system, and the obviously
poor ventilation system,
but these, according to Mr. Taylor,
are not in the immediate plans.

Despite the fact that the swimmers,
hopefully, will be moving
to a new complex in the next two
or three years, the Building and
Grounds Department are to be
commended in taking necessary
action to solve a problem of today.

These improvements are certainly
well deserved by their recipients.
Coach Law and his team
members have been a consistent
winner, and have been slighted in
the past, as anyone who has witnessed
a sweltering swimming meet
can verify.

More important, however, these
improvements should aid Mr. Law
significantly in the area of recruiting.
The first concern of a swimming
prospect, unlike most prospective
college athletes, is that
he have access to good facilities.
The facilities now possessed by
the University could hardly be
termed delightful or inviting. The
present improvements should help
nullify some of the previously unfavorable
aspects of the pool in
Memorial Gym, and should suffice
until the forthcoming complex
is completed.