University of Virginia Library

Baseball Team Falls
In Weekend Contests

Disappointment once again
struck the Virginia nine, as they
suffered three defeats over the
weekend, one at the hands of North
Carolina, and two to Conference
leader North Carolina State.

Friday the Cavaliers were shut
out by a fair Tar Heel club, 6-0,
on Lambeth Field. According to
Coach Jim West, the game was
marked by good fielding on the
parts of both teams, but the Cavaliers
were unable to generate any
offensive spark.

First-year man Ed Kihm was the
starter on the mound for the Virginia
side. Through the first three
innings, Kihm kept the Heels in
check, but he ran into trouble in
the later innings when he failed
to keep the ball down from the
Carolina batters.

In the first game of Saturday's
doubleheader with N.C. State, the
weak-hitting Cavaliers dropped a
6-1 decision, despite another well-pitched
game by Bill Kelley. The
Wolfpack's biggest rally was kept
alive by a broken bat blooper
which dropped in for a hit.

The second game of the twin
bill was also well pitched, but
once again the weak hitting of the
home team enabled the Wolfpack
to carry off a 4-1 victory, and
a sweep of the doubleheader. Geoff
Gordon pitched well for Virginia,
except for one jam in the fifth
inning, when he was touched for
three runs.