University of Virginia Library

Winter Tryouts Next
For Sixteen Netters

Following fall practice, sixteen tennis players have been invited
back by Coach Burris to try out this winter for the ten-man spring
team. Coach Burris announced that the team will be cut to ten
players in time for the Spring Vacation trip to Florida. The sixteen
hopefuls who passed the fall try-outs are:

Mike Eikenberry  Jeff Podesta 
John Winter  Andy Scheinman 
Randy Herring  John O'Keefe 
Horace Thomas  George Chapman 
William Preston  Biff Cooper 
Steve Hunter  Dick Carrington 
Robert Kain  Buzz Rooney 
Philip Salembier  Philip Rogers 

The prospective tennis players are asked to meet in Coach Burris'
office Thursday night at 9:30 in University Hall.


Netter Mike Eikenberry Shows Backhand Form

Sixteen Players Have Been Invited To Winter Tryouts