University of Virginia Library

Dorm League Opens

Five Teams Still Unbeaten

Football was king again this
week as IM competition got rolling
in both the fraternity and dorm

In High Point competition, the
latest standings show only five
teams with unsullied records after
two games. Phi Psi, 12-0 victors
over Phi Gam, St. A who defeated.
DKE 18-0, ATO who routed Delta
Sig 60-6, Chi Phi, 45-6 winner over
Kappa Sig, and Phi Kap, 24-2
conquerors of St. Elmo, are currently
on top.

In other contests, a vociferous
AEPi contingent beat KA 25-19
in a squeaker; PiKA shut out the
Sigma Phi's 21-0; Mills scored
twice for DU to defeat Theta
Delt 12-7, and Sigma Pi beat Phi
Sig 20-12 to round out the action.

Over in the first-year leagues,
four games were played in the Dell
and on the field behind the Physics
building as the new season began.

Each dormitory has been divided
into two teams, a Blue team consisting
of the first floor and half
of the second, and an Orange
team covering the third floor and
half of the second.

Both Watson Orange and Humphreys
Blue won their games
without touching a football when
Blue Balz and Orange Dobie forfeited.

In a strong defensive battle
Echols Blue edged Humphrey
Orange 12-6. Keith Kimball and
Derek Nelson each scored for the
victors and Steve Smiley, who was
impressive on offense, ran one in
for the losing cause.

Watson Blue shut out Bonnycastle
Orange 14-0. Alan Borock
intercepted a Bonny pass and took
it over for the score. Barry "Doc"
Green found receiver Jeff Rice for
a touchdown and a safety by Jack
Cooper accounted for the final two

Quarterback B. K. Monday
dominated the game with five
touchdown passes as Dabney Blue
overwhelmed Lefevre Blue 44-6.
Dabney appears to have a fine crop
of players with Mike Gatto, Ed
Cambell and Bill Fulton each accounting
for two tallies. Jim
scored a touchdown. Mike
Harris ran back a kickoff for the
lone Lefevre score.

In another high scoring game
Kent Blue upended Bonnycastle
Blue 41-12. Ben Wire was the outstanding
Kent player as he scored
two touchdowns. Glenn Ford
intercepted a pass and handed off
to Clark Collins who ran it into
the end zone. Joe Morahan and
Kevin Kennally were each responsible
for single scores. Clyde
Jacobs and Clay Ratterree each
scored touchdowns for the losers.

The games that were postponed
on Monday will be rescheduled for
another date.