University of Virginia Library

Misunderstandings Spawn
Revamped Vouching System

The Honor Committee this
year revamped vouching
procedures at the University's
athletic facilities to allow
vouching for entrance to
Memorial Gym and University
Hall at all hours.

A student vouching
committee was established in
November under the
chairmanship of College

Historian Paul Garvey.
Following a series of
misunderstandings and other
snags between the committee
and the Athletics Department,
a functioning vouching system
went into effect this semester.

The system has been
successful, according to Mr.
Garvey, because students are
no longer encountering the
once-common experience of
not being admitted because
they lacked an Identification
Card. Under the current
system, a student may only be
couched for twice in a
semester. Consequently, Mr.
Garvey reports, users are
remembering to bring I.D.
cards to the facilities.

To fill the vacant hours at
vouching stations, committee
members are being paid $1.80
per hour at University Hall

Next fall, however, the
student committee will provide
all of the manpower to staff
the vouching stations with
hiring and firing remaining the
departments responsibility.

Mr. Garvey reported that
faculty cannot be vouched for
because they do not come
under the jurisdiction of the
Honor System.

He noted that student
violations were decreasing daily
as students became accustomed
to a thorough vouching system
and no longer disregarded the
person at the desk.

Following an incident of
not being allowed admission to
University Hall in September, a
fourth-year student
commented, "It seems
ridiculous that a professor
should trust you on a final
examination, but by the same
standards you should be
refused entry to the swimming
pool. It is a matter of principle,
and it deflated some of my
trust in the Honor System."