University of Virginia Library

Turned-On State Pair
May Beat Grass Rap

North Carolina State court
stars Paul Coder and Bob Heuts
got a temporary reprieve in
their marijuana possession case
Wednesday as a Wake County,
N.C. judge ruled that he had no
probable cause for charging the
Wolfpack duo.

Judge George F. Bason
ruled that police had illegally
searched the car in which the
pot was found and that
evidence uncovered from the
search could not be considered
in the case. Coder and Heuts
still face the possibility of
grand jury action against them,
dependant upon County
Assistant Solicitor Randolph
Riley finding legal
substantiation for the validity
of his search.

Both basketball players
declined to comment on how
the result of the preliminary
hearing would effect their
plans to quit Coach Norman
Sloan's squad, which opened
against Atlantic Christian
College last night. The pair had
with drawn from the team last
Friday night, regretting the
embarrassment brought upon
the University by the incident.

Riley contended that the
search was necessary due to a
city ordinance requiring
abandoned cars to be towed.