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Batmen Falter, Yield To State
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Batmen Falter,
Yield To State

By John Markon
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

On Friday afternoon Virginia's
baseball team took batting practice
against Richmond, winning 28-2,
and then hung on for the rest of the
weekend. The Cavs used a Mike
Cubbage homer to down NAIA
power Pembroke State Saturday
but fell before ACC contender N.C.
State, 3-0, before a rather large
crowd Sunday.

The Richmond game
transcended reality. The Wahoos
rapped out 21 base hits and winning
pitcher Rick Spigone allowed the
Spiders only six. Billy Hall paced
the attack with a grand slam
homerun with Al Bracht
contributing a three-run shot and
Mike Cubbage going five-for-five.
Only fourteen Wahoos made the
trip but, in retrospect, seven or
eight may have been enough to win.

Pembroke Falls

Saturday morning Pembroke
State's Braves moved into Lambeth
Field and the resulting game was a
good one. The game was marked by
tight pitching and good defense,
with pitcher Steve Brindle earning
his fifth victory without a defeat on
the strength of Cubbage's lead off
blast in the ninth.

Any tendency to dismiss
Pembroke just because no one
seemed to know where Pembroke
was quickly dispelled when the
Braves played the high caliber
baseball that carried them to fifth
place in last year's NAIA tourney.
The Cavs made only three hits but
were able to make good use of
whatever opportunities they were


Virginia Infielder-Outfielder Steve Sroba Digs For Third

Cavalier Sports Third-Leading Bat Mark In ACC Statistics

Another contest marked by a
high degree of professionalism was
Sunday's State game, regrettably
one for the loss column. The
Wolfpack's All-ACC lefty Mike
Caldwell stifled Virginia on two
hits, fanned 14 men, and socked a
seventh-inning homerun to scale the
Cavaliers' fate.

A single with two on in the
seventh by Danny Baker drove in
the second State run with the third
coming in the ninth on a single by
Pat Korsnick. The only serious
Virginia threat came in the fifth
when Sammy Beale and Jon
Williams snuck in singles while
Caldwell was busy striking out the

Kihm Loses

Ed Kihm started and lost for
Virginia, dropping his record to 3-1
with winner Caldwell now 7-0.
Kihm walked eight men, unusual
for him, and suffered the
embarrassment of throwing a called
strike while trying to complete an
intentional walk. State's ninth
inning run was the first given up all
year by reliever Mike Judkins. The
Pack pounded out nine hits.

State Impressive

North Carolina State fielded an
impressive college baseball team. In
addition to the pitching of
Caldwell, who started with
pin-point control to go with his
fastball, their team defense was
excellent with the accent on Chris
Cammack, All-ACC last year at
third base. Virginia also looked
good afield both Saturday and
Sunday as Jon Williams impressed
observers with his accurate arm at
third base. It seems that Williams
has cracked Coach Jim West's
starting line-up, making a first
baseman out of Steve Sroba, thus
strengthening the squad offensively
and defensively.

Pembroke  100  000  010 
Virginia  000  001  101 

(NORMAN and Johnson, BRINDLE
and Beale.)

N.C. State  000  000  201 
Virginia  000  000  000 

CALDWELL and Glad, KIHM, Judkins
(9) and Beale.)