University of Virginia Library

Winter Season Over For IM Sports


The conclusion of winter
sports competition has
seemingly left AEPi in a
commanding position atop the
High Point standings according
to the most recent statistics

The AEPis possess 1946
points, good for a 109 point
bulge over second-ranked Phi
Kap. Zete, with 1375 points, is
close on the heels of the Phi
Kaps while Phi Delt, with 1358
points, and Sigma Chi, with
1163, make up the remainder
of the top five.

The AEPis were able to cement
their position with a victory in the
bowling finals over Phi Ep. They
have been the league's pacemakers
almost from the onset as they were
able to rack up impressive totals in
fall competition.

Phi Kap, strong this year in the
racket sports, climaxed an
impressive rise in the standings with
a conclusive win in the squash
tourney. Phi Ep again played the
runner-up role but claimed the
individual champion in Jim Steiger.
Delta Sig's John Mayhew was
individual runner-up.

Sigma Nu, now seventh in the
standings with 1129 points,
captured the basketball crown with
a win over Zete and PiKA, now
holding down sixth place with 1148
points, took the consolation verdict

Front-runners Phi Delt and Zete
faced off in the tug-o-war during
the halftime of the Virginia-North
Carolina basketball game with the
event, part of which snuck onto
regional TV, being won by the Phi

The Phi Delts also proved
themselves adept at water sports,
taking the swimming championship
with Sigma Chi immediately in a
arrears. The Phi Delts thus became
the only league member to win
more than one winter title.

St. Anthony's led by
tournament star Wade Massey, won
the well-attended boxing tourney
with Zete finishing second. Bob
Lipman, Phi Delt heavyweight, was
judged the most improved boxer
although he fell to Sigma Nu's Mike
Scheer in an exciting finals bout.

The pool tournament ended
with twelfth place Phi Sig's
emergence as kings of the green
felt jungle. Chi Phi pocketed second
place while Independent Frank
Schipani gained individual honors.
Pi Kap's Croxton Gordon was
individual runner-up.

Other members of the top ten
are Phi Gam, eighth place and 1097
points, and SAE, 1038 points and
ninth place. Pi Kap is presently
ensconced in tenth position with 966
tallies with Sigma Pi running
eleventh and, as of now, some 41
points shy of top ten status.