University of Virginia Library

Fifteen Bouts Set
In Boxing Tourney

Semifinals of the annual
Intramural Boxing Tournament will
be held tonight at Memorial Gym
with the usual large crowd expected
to see the start of the final phase of
the competition.

Two Champs At 157

Two defending champions will
be in action tonight, both in the
157-pound class. Mark Kramer of
DKE, the 157-pound defender
takes on Pika's Phil Barber, while in
the other bracket of the class, Paul
Bruun of Chi Psi, twice the
champion at 147 pounds, takes on
Andy Previtali. Bruun was forced to
move up a class this year because of
an IM rule that prohibits a boxer
from winning a class three years in
a row.

Rawles Gets Bye

The third defending champ,
Jamie Rawles of Phi Kap, has a bye
until the final round on Thursday
because there are only three people
in the 139-pound class.


Photo By Howard Weinberg

IM Boxing Tournament Enters Semifinals Tonight

Fifteen Bout Card Starts At 7:30 In Memorial Gym

Pairings for the semifinal round
are: 129 — Mark Smith (Theta
Delt) vs. John Matthews (Theta
Delt); Jake Kenworthy (Phi Gam)
vs. Fulton Patrick (Sigma NU) 139
— Richard Alford (Zete) vs. Charles
Wilder (Sigma Phi); Jamie Rawles
(Phi Kap)-Bye. 147-Wade Massey
(St. A) vs. Charles Tanksley (Phi
Delt); Kevin Hurley (Ind) vs. Mike
Montgomery (Ind.) 157- Mark
Kramer (DKE) vs. Phil Barber
(PiKa); Paul Bruun (Chi Psi) vs.
Andy Previtali (Ind) 167 — Richard
Berkeley (DKE) vs. David
Hollingsworth (Chi Phi); Charlie
Frazier (St. A) vs. Phil Russell (Phi
Gam) 178- Steve Bledsoe (SAE) vs.
Dave Bowman (Zete); Tom Gilroy
(Phi Psi) vs. Richard Oftedal (Ind)
198- Lynn Housner (Sigma Nu) vs.
Don Show (St. A); Cleve Null (Ind)
vs Al McLean (Chi Phi)
Heavyweight — Glenn Russell (Pi
Kap) vs. Mike Scheer (Sigma Nu);
Bob Lipman (Phi Delt) vs. Rick
Sterba (SPE)