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'Hoos In State Meet

By Randy Wert
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer

Probably the people most happy
with the lovely spring weather
during the past few days are Coach
Lou Onesty and his track team who
are pushing to prepare for the State
meet this weekend at Virginia
Military in Lexington.

Defending champion VPI will be
looking for William and Mary and
possibly Norfolk State, with great
short distance runners, to pose
threats to its title. Coach Onesty
indicated that his boys had not had
enough competition to be able to
forecast their readiness for the
meet, but that "we have good
running but must see if we can
measure up."

Listing the hard working
competitors that will represent the
University at Lexington, Coach
Onesty named Brew Barron and
Greg Lane for the half mile and
added that Mike DeCamps, who is
"looking better than he ever
looked," will also run the half mile.

Quarter milers for the team in
this meet will be Julian
Solotorovsky, Dickie Morris,
Co-captain Johnny Morris, Louis
Mackall, Dave Peyton, and Mike
Pace. Field events may not be as
strong as the runners, and Coach
Onesty mentioned that the loss of
Nat Lucas in the high jump will be

The jumpers for the Cavaliers
this year include first year student
Fred Gaines, who has done 48 feet
in the triple jump and 22 feet in the
long jump, and Co-captain Jim
Shannon, a 24 foot long jumper.
Onesty indicated that the
"competition should be keen"
among jumpers during this meet.
Carter Crafford and Jim McClurg,
both first yearmen, are pole
vaulting in the state meet. Onesty
said that Crafford has done 13′ 9″
but has broken his pole, while he
termed McClurg "a real good