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McMillen Leads
Maryland Frosh

By John Markon
Cavalier Daily Staff Writer


Another University Hall Sellout Is Assured When Driesell & Co. Invade Tonight

Arrive Early To Insure Good Seats At Both First-Year And Varsity Contests

Riding the crest of a wave
of five straight victories and
two consecutive hundred
points games, Virginia's
high-flying Cavayearlings
venture into dangerous waters
tonight when they oppose the
undefeated Baby Terps of
Maryland at 5:55 at University

"Future Lew"

Leading the College Park
freshman five is Lefty Driesell's
"Future Lew Alcindor", 6-11
center Tom McMillen. If
everything read about this young
man is believed one can only marvel
at his remarkability. In just the last
year he has joined a Presidential
commission, appeared on the cover
of a national magazine thrown the
basketball programs of two great
universities into apoplexy and
broken every high school cage
record on the Pennsylvania ledgers.

Soft Touch

Last semester he tallied a perfect
28 points per game on court. His
soft-touch shooting and rebounding
are excellent and his defense is
getting better. Cavayearling center
Lanny Stahurski will cover
McMillen, a pairing made no less
difficult by the fact the McMillen
boasts good mobility, not one of
Lanny's strong suits.

Virginia now boasts a 8-3 mark
and will provide Maryland with
their only ACC frosh opposition all
year. The teams do not pair up
in a pattern conducive to Virginia
victory but, then again, undefeated

teams in basketball are a rarity and,
if Maryland is going to slip, a look
at their schedule says it may be

Tall Company

The other Terrapin starters
aren't much of a drop in class from
McMillen. Mark Cartwright, another
6-11 player, mans a front line post
while Jap Trimble and Richie Porac
form a solid back line. All possess
some talent at every phase of the
game and were High School
All-Americans. The other front
court spot was originally reserved
for the now-injured Len Elmore,
another All-American. The roster
tails off from there but the Baby
Terp benchwarmers, who enter
every game rather early, can't help
but improve.